
Multidisciplinary. Knowledgeable. Experienced.

Our Team

With expertise in all aspects of physical and mental health, as well as personal wellness, our team will have a positive impact on your entire workforce and in turn, the success of your company.

Phil Wolffe

Director & Workplace Wellness Expert

For the last 10 years Phil has been working in, and designing health programs for, a huge range of companies, from the head offices of Australia’s largest banks, to the gold mines of Papua New Guinea, and everything in between.

This level of experience has made Phil uniquely qualified to design bespoke programs for organisations of all shapes and sizes that achieve positive ROI every time. He knows first hand the incredible value that workplace health programs can bring to companies, and the people who work in them, and it is his life’s mission to make these programs so effective that every company in the world will use them.

Dave Williams

Personal Trainer

Over an eight year career in professional sport, Dave achieved the highest levels Rugby League has to offer, winning a Premiership and representing his state and country multiple times. But with these achievements came a range of injuries, which he only learned how to treat properly post-career.

Dave realised that if injuries were being mishandled in an elite sporting environment, then the problem must be even worse within the general workforce. This epiphany led him down the path of teaching people the importance of proper movement and body mechanics to help them stay strong and injury free. This is now his mission, and has become his life’s work.

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Grace Deavin

Disordered Eating and Mental Health Dietitian

Grace is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who specialises in mental health nutrition and chronic disease management.

She is a proponent of mindful, balanced, and sustainable eating, and has a special interest in the microbiome and eating disorders, which means she has an incredibly broad range of specialist skills that she applies to her consults.

With the knowledge and skills Grace brings to the table, it’s like hiring Michelangelo to paint your garden fence. You probably won’t need the full set of skills but it’s great to know they’re there if you do!

Grace is an integral part of the Kinex Health team and we’re incredibly fortunate to have her aboard.

Prue Cauley

Mental Health and Resilience

Prue is a passionate mental health nerd, who has spent time working in both research and practice. She completed her Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at Deakin University before working in community engagement and mental health in Edinburgh, empowerment of women and girls in the refugee camps of Northern Greece, and health and wellbeing in Papua New Guinea. She has recently completed a European Master’s in social and cross-cultural psychology at the University of Oslo, with research focusing on quality of life and resilience in refugee populations.

Laura Gonzales

Pilates & Yoga

Born and raised in Hawaii, Laura grew up surfing, running, playing soccer, and cultivating a love for all things active. Now residing in Sydney, Laura has spent the last several years studying yoga, fitness, and anatomy.

She is a 500hr Experienced Yoga Teacher, Yoga Medicine Therapeutic Specialist, and holds a Cert 3 & 4 in fitness. Passionate about all forms of intelligent movement, you can expect her classes and sessions to be an integration of different modalities to create balance and integrity within the body and the opportunity to connect deeper to self.

Kayla Furmanczyk

Nutritionist & Pilates Instructor

Kayla is a holistic Nutritionist who focuses on helping individuals to live their healthiest lives. She is passionate about gut health and female health, specifically the relationship between the gut, brain and hormones, and how what we eat impacts our physical and mental health.

Kayla is also an experienced pilates instructor, who believes movement plays a large role in both physical and mental health.

Madina Tanekeyeva

Yoga & Meditation

Born in Kazakhstan, matured in Amsterdam, and now residing in Sydney, Madina is a senior yoga teacher and mentor. She is passionate about yoga alignment and anatomy and offers meticulously created yoga sequences.

Madina’s seated practice is deeply rooted in Tibetan Buddhist tradition, which adds to the uniqueness and authenticity of her meditation classes.

Our Purpose

The landscape of corporate health is changing and so must we along with it. With ever increasing work hours, time demands and reported stress levels, our health as a nation, and as a workforce, is taking a serious hit. This has altered the view of corporate health programs from a luxury to a necessity.

We all know the research supporting the positive relationship between effective corporate health programs and increased productivity is undeniable, but they must be run effectively to bring about these benefits.

It is our goal to change the face of corporate health in Australia and be recognised as the most effective program on the market.

Join the Team

Have you got mad skills to bring to our table? The more the merrier! We love adding fresh skills and knowledge to our repertoire.

Is this something that gets you excited and makes you want to be part of Kinex Health? Fresh out of uni and wondering how you’re going to put all that knowledge to use?

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